Chemical X Showcases Ecstacy Art In London

UK artist Chemical X, known for his 20 year old design of the Ministry of Sound logo as well as collaborations with artists like Banksy, Damien Hurst, Snoop Dogg, and Paul Oakenfold, continues to push the limits of artistic expression with his rave-worthy exhibitions.

After last year’s mishandling of his “The Ecstacy of Art” showcase by Art Republic in Soho, in which the gallery misunderstood the art actually included real Ecstacy, Chemical X finally has found a home for his unique pill art.

His new works titled, “The Prophets of Ecstacy,” includes two stained glass church-like windows made entirely of 20,000 perfectly pressed pills. Both works depict doves of peace carrying olive branches over giant smiling suns, one titled “The Rapture” and the other “The Reckoning.”

A spokesman for the artist stated that, “Chemical X is not trying to challenge authority with his art, he challenges the perception that people have of social drug taking through the press propaganda that shapes the public’s attitude. These need to be viewed as works of art as they stop being drugs from the point at which that are permanently sealed into the pieces.”

“The Prophets of Ecstacy” can be seen Sept. 26th through Oct. 2nd at The Ark, an exhibition organized by Bear Cub Gallery. The gallery will fittingly be held at in a church crypt in Clerkenwell, London.


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